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for parish employees

Sound familiar?

Let's play Never Have I Ever - Church Communications edition. Never have I ever...


Relied on Google and Facebook groups as professional development

Felt lost because of a lack of strategy

Put off long-term goals because of short-term problems

Felt like a team of one wearing fifteen different hats

Been tasked to "figure it out" when it comes to church communications


Have any fingers left up? If not, Kerygma Communities was created for you.


You shouldn t  have to do this alone.

Kerygma Communities is a membership + training community designed specifically for you, the busy communications coordinator at a Catholic church (even if your title doesn’t include the word “communications” but was adopted as part of the “other duties as assigned…”).


Our community is part professional development, part accompaniment, aimed at giving you the resources and training you need while also making your job easier and providing you with much needed fellowship with others who get it.


Up until now, you’ve just been expected to “figure it out.” Professional development for church communicators has been limited to Google searches and Facebook group advice (which isn’t always reliable), and secular communications strategies just don’t understand church marketing.


That’s why we prioritize education in our Kerygma Communities. Our twice monthly virtual meetings center on a particular topic specific to church communications - everything from designing the bulletin without losing your mind when a margin goes awry to actually impacting inactive parishioners with that “come home this Easter” mailer.


We do all this with familiar examples - Bible stories! Jesus and the apostles were actually incredible marketers - after all, they know a thing or two about growing the Church.


Church work was never meant to be done alone.


The disciples were sent out two by two, never alone. And yet in the Church, we often work in silos, feeling at odds with our colleagues and other ministry leaders or isolated as teams of one even in large dioceses.


We want to end that. For a Catholic ministry leader to survive, you need community. Up until now, that community has been hard to find - which is why we are creating it.


It ties in well with our educational goal. You won’t just learn from us - you’ll learn from your fellow workers in the vineyard about what's worked for them and receive accountability and affirmation from others who get it.

Is a Kerygma Community for you?

You work for a DIY kind of church - you’re passionate and innovative to take your ideas and run with them if you know how to do it.


You want to get more parishioners, make current ones more active, and yeah, increasing the offertory wouldn’t hurt.


You’re constantly balancing all of the things when it comes to communications, which often leaves long-term projects on the back burner.


You struggle to find advice or how-to’s that have a church’s unique needs in mind.


You often feel lost and even alone in your work.


You got into this work to bring people closer to God.


Sound like you? Join here.

Image by Josh Applegate

What You Get

Twice-monthly meetings:

Each month, we'll focus on a church communications skill to enhance at your parish. Meeting one will consist of practical training in that skill and meeting two will be an open discussion to check progress and get feedback.

Access to "The Narthex:"

"The Narthex" is our Facebook group for the Kerygma Community. You'll have direct access to us throughout the month to ask questions and network with other parish communicators. (It's like a virtual water cooler!)

Ministry Meets Marketing Book Club

Once a month, we'll dive into ministry and marketing classics to continue to develop our skills. No book reports required.

Monthly Communications Resurces

Let's save you some time! You'll receive access to monthly resources like Canva templates, content calendar ideas, and more.

Gloriam Freebies and Discounts

Get access to all of our courses and products and discounts on Gloriam services.

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Emily Ricci

Meet  Your Community Leader

Hi! I'm Emily, and I am a former church worker turned theology + marketing nerd. 👋


In my past life, I've worn basically every hat but priest: youth minister, events planner, sacristan, ministry coordinator, communications coordinator, sacramental records-keeper, and yes, the lady taking Mass intentions at the front desk.


I took that jill-of-all-trades resume, mixed in my passion for communications and Biblical studies, combined it with my master's in Theology and experience in marketing, and turned it into a Catholic marketing agency, Gloriam Marketing. Now I want to share all of that weirdly specific experience with you, because it's what I wish I had in parish work.

More than anything, I want you to know that I get it. I've been there in the trenches with you, I know the absolute insanity that is parish work, and I also know you wouldn't be doing this if you didn't have such a heart for evangelization, which I share.


Not sure if we'd hit if off? You can get a feel for my training style by watching some of my past webinars here.


  • Being Social on Social
    Creating community online has never been easier thanks to social media. Churches can utilize social media to foster their in-person communities digitally...but do you know how? In this workshop, we'll go over the basics of social media and how to create a dynamic social media presence for your parish that not only fosters your congregation's connection, but also works to expand your reach as an evangelization tool in your local area.
  • Branding Basics
    Does reading the church bulletin seem like a font selection guide? Can parishioners identify when a mailing is from you? Branding covers so much more than your visual identity - it also aids how people feel when they think about your church. In this workshop, we'll dive into how to select fonts and colors that represent your church, creating a brand guide (and how to have it implemented, even among volunteers), and honing in on your church's unique personality.
  • Making an Entrance: Identifying Entrypoints
    We often wish we could reach our less active parishioners - but when we do, we fail to capitalize on the moment! Key moments for conversion like CAPE (Christmas, Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, Easter) and sacraments are often overlooked from a communications standpoint, but there are so many things you can do to capitalize on these pivotal moments. In this workshop, we'll work to identify the key entrypoints for your parish and brainstorm communications methods to bring them back to church.
  • Beyond Envelopes: Welcoming New Parishioners
    What's the first thing new parishioners get when they register at your parish? A nice big stack of envelopes? Because nothing says welcome like give us money! In this workshop, we'll go over some welcome strategies you can put in place to get parishioners from passive registrants to active participants. Ideas discussed include recruitment strategies, registration letters and swag, and digital follow-up strategies.
Image by Chris Montgomery

We're Waiting for You

Your community awaits. Pick your plan to join now - membership for Spring 2022 closes February 22!


Questions? Contact us at


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Catholic Marketing 

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