Christmas Webinar
It's the most wonderful time of the year...for evangelization. Yes, I know, Christmas is the busiest time of year for church staff, but what if I told you that you could get C & E Catholics back to Mass on December 26 by doing less work?
We'll be unpacking your Christmas (and beyond!) marketing strategies at our free webinar, Come Thou Long Expected Parishioners. Register now!

Welcoming Them Home
We're almost there - after a year+ of virtual Masses, outdoor services, and stretching our creative and evangelistic limits, it's almost time to welcome all of our parishioners home.
But we were already struggling to fill the pews before are we supposed to reengage them now after a year away?
Join us to talk about how your parish can encourage renewed in-person Mass attendance and reengage your parishioners - and even attract new ones.