Catholic Marketing?
Catholic marketing is just another term for evangelization.
As Catholics, we're used to the concept of evangelization. That's comfortable. Marketing, on the other hand, can be foreign. Marketing is full of tactics and strategies and "me-centered" philosophies.
So as Catholic marketers, we take a different approach around here. We use the best practices of marketing and communications and use them to promote God instead of just another product or service.
How do we promote God? By promoting your ministry.​
So your ministry needs some marketing. Why hire a specifically faith-based marketing agency?
Hiring a Catholic marketing agency means...
Not having to explain what indulgences are or that Mass should be capitalized
Having a marketing agency that not only promotes your business, but also helps you promote God in the process
Having not only our expertise, but also our prayers, on your side
In other words, we get ministry, because we are one, and we can help market yours.

Why Gloriam?
We're Catholic. Like, really Catholic. Like, perpetual Adoration, worship music in the background as we work Catholic.
We're also small, which means we get small business. We're not going to scoff at your small advertising budget; we'll work with you to get as much as we can out of your parish or ministry's shoestring budget.
And we like to think that we're personal. Think of us as a new ministry team member. We're not just going to do your marketing and leave. We're going to continue to advocate for you long after your project is over. We take on projects that we're passionate about because we're excited to be a small part of your ministry's work.
So that means replies back to emails at 7 am and 7 pm (and maybe even 3 am if our CEO is up with her small child). That means an individualized prayer that we write for each of our clients to pray before beginning work on their project. That means having a marketing agency as passionate about your idea (and the faith) as you are.
Meet Your Marketer
My first memory of life is reading my children's Bible from cover to cover and running out to tell my mom I'd read the whole Bible in a day.
As my first "job," I wrote an unsolicited commercial script for PetCo in elementary school and sent it to them (they sent me a keychain back, my first professional payment).
In college, I used to make the page margins smaller so I'd have more room to write without hitting the page maximum.
So yeah...Catholic marketing has always been a part of me.
But I didn't even discover marketing until college. Throughout high school and college, I was in the trenches - aka parish work - wearing all the hats of event coordinator/youth minister/bulletin designer/baptism coordinator/unofficial photographer/official Mass intention taker...basically doing everything but saying Mass (though I did work 5 out of 6 Masses every weekend).
Then I interned in my college's marketing office and discovered my dream career that I didn't even know existed, a combination of writing and strategy and design that got me to completely change career paths and life direction as I returned to that office full-time after graduation.
Another love I discovered in college? Biblical studies. My passion for my faith and obsession with reading collided, and I was bowled over by typology, so much so that I decided to pursue a master's in Theology just to learn more.
So there I was, fresh out of college with a new job, pursuing a master's degree, and newly engaged to my college sweetheart and thought, you know what I should add to this craziness? Starting a business!​
But I knew that God was calling me to this, because literally no one else I'd ever met could find Jesus in marketing, so much so that a marketing rule's connection to evangelization made them cry (true story).
And now? I have had the honor of working with more than 100 Catholic parishes and businesses to teach them how to market like Jesus did, all while working from home with two young kids.
God is so good.
Connect with me weekly through my Monday Marketing Musings newsletter!

We prayerfully ask Gloriam's patron saints to pray for us and our clients, our work, and all those we encounter through our work.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, St. Michael the Archangel, and Blessed Carlos Acutis,
pray for us!