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5 Things Every Parish Needs to Know to Get More Parishioners (and Engage the Ones You Have)

Market   Your Parish Like Jesus


Presented January 30; replay now available

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Hosted by Gloriam Marketing, a Catholic marketing agency for parishes


The #1 mistake churches make trying to get new parishioners (and the simple fix)

What to say (and not to say) to get someone to come to an event at your parish

The real reason people aren't registering at your church or coming to Mass (it's not why you think)

How to convince current parishioners to be more involved (no nagging necessary)

Four overlooked things you're already doing + one thing to add that will regularly bring in new parishioners

How to know exactly which communication channels — bulletin, email newsletter, social media, flyers, community outreach, etc. — you should prioritize (because no, you don't need to do ALL the things)

In other words, I'm going to teach you the essentials of marketing your parish how Jesus would. (Because yes, Jesus used marketing in His ministry, which means it's okay and even HOLY to market personally and authentically — I'll show you how on the webinar!)


I've been where you are...literally.

"Hello, St. John's, how can I help you?"


^ I've answered the phone like that at least 500 times in my life.


That's because before I started this Catholic marketing agency, I was a parish employee for 8 years wearing 15 different hats.


Youth minister? Check. Events and ministry coordinator? Done that. Answering the phone, taking Mass intentions, and submitting the bulletin simultaneously? That was just a normal Tuesday.


know that you probably have little to no background in marketing, and it's scary and kind of gross and you have no time for it anyway.


But I also know WHY you went into church work in the first place — to save souls. And when I discovered how the marketing strategies made cool by influencers and gurus were actually rooted in evangelization strategies found in the Gospels, I went to work figuring out how we could replicate the same in our parishes.


So here's my promise: The things that I'm going to teach you in this webinar aren't just Biblically-backed, they're also only the practical essentials, not fluffy strategy you'll never use. Because my #1 goal is to get you more parishioners easier so you can get back to the ministry work God actually called you to, faster.

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Me on my last day of working at the church after 8 years...finally fixing a drawer knob that had bothered me for at least 4 of those

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like Jesus would?


Because if the apostles were able to grow the Church by 3,000 in one day, we can use their same Holy Spirit-led promotional strategies to grow ours today, too.


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