workbook + template
Struggle to get and retain new parishioners?
Not know how to communicate with parishioners, so end up being on EVERYTHING?
Get overwhelmed by marketing AND communicating to current parishioners?
End up spending more time on communications than actually evangelizing?
But not just any plan - one that takes your unique faith focus and can help you amplify not only your own mission, but also Christ.
Introducing Creating Your (Catholic!) Marketing Plan, a workbook and template designed to take the guesswork out of marketing your parish.
If you've ever Googled marketing plan templates before, you probably quickly wondered how this could possibly be useful for your work. After all, you don't need a fancy-schmancy business presentation - you just need practical, down-to-earth help to make your parish thrive.
That's exactly why I wrote Creating Your (Catholic!) Marketing Plan. This is a practical resource - one you'll actually use - that not only lays out the plan, but also teaches you how to use it, so you can find
the heart and soul of your parish's work.
Define your mission & strategy using value proposition, target audience, and more
Practice your skills using SWOT analysis, character personas, and journey maps.
Set up your plan to meet goals and save souls.
What's Included
40+ page printable workbook to maximize your parish and develop your plan of action (aka no more decision paralysis!)
Customizable marketing plan template to articulate your mission and vision for easy decision-making
Real-life Biblical examples of evangelistic marketing in action
Access to our platform selection quiz (so you can finally stop guessing which platforms you actually need to be on to reach parishioners)
All for just $17.99
best part
Marketing plans aren't just for your overall strategy (though of course you should definitely use this plan for that!). You can also create a marketing plan to develop your strategy on a single social media platform, mapping out the launch of a new program or group, or even coming up with a promotion plan for retaining Christmas and Easter Catholics beyond the season.
And, since you get a downloadable, fill-in-the-blank workbook, you can print it out as many times as you want and use it over and over again!
Why Catholic?
Did you know modern marketing strategies can be found in the Gospels?
While it may not say outright that the apostles utilized "The Rule of Seven" or "SWOT," we can implement the same fundamental strategies used grow the Early Church to grow our churches today.
That's why each of the main exercises in this workbook includes a Walking in His Footsteps feature, a real-life example of how Jesus used this strategy in His own public ministry.
Because let's be honest: Being Catholic is kind of the foundation of who you are. So don't you want a plan that amplifies your practical and evangelistic goals?
hi, I'm Emily
I'm the owner of Gloriam Marketing, a Catholic marketing and creative agency. We help churches and Catholic businesses and ministries not only promote themselves, but also God - all while getting you back to the work God actually you to in the first place.
After years of working with dozens of Catholic organizations (and 8+ years personally in the trenches of parish work!), I've realized the value that having a solid marketing and communications plan can have on creating a successful ministry that brings in revenue and souls for Christ. The problem was that most marketing plans out there are too secular or business-y to be actually useable for ministry work.
I wrote Creating Your (Catholic!) Marketing Plan as the ultimate guide for churches to make marketing decisions, bring people to God, and get back to their work of winning souls for Christ faster.
Sound like you? Be sure to grab your copy here. 👈
This workbook is a valuable resource for all parishes to help us remember our true goal in parish communications. Emily made it easy to work through the steps to set up a strategic, achievable plan for my parish.
- Lisa, Communications Coordinator for St. Angela Merici Catholic Church
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